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rocking chair 搖椅。

rocking horse

The factory specializes in producing various leisure products including children ' s swing chair , adult ' s swing chair , camp bed , big lounge chair , chair bed , rocking chair , spring chair , camp bat chair , big armchair and double armchair etc , provided with novel style , complete variety and excellent quality , the products sell well all over the world 本廠專業生產各種款式休閑用品,主要產品小孩千椅、大人秋千椅、彈簧、蝙蝠椅、大扶手、和雙人扶手椅等多種旅游休閑用品,產品新穎、種類齊全、品質優良、暢銷國內外。

In time , old john just became meaner and surlier and he wasn ' t even amused any more when some innocent new customer made the mistake of trying to borrow his hammer or sit in his rocking chair or break a branch from his forsythia bush 最終,老約翰變得愈加自私小氣,脾氣暴躁,而且即使當有不知情的新顧客誤借了他的錘子,誤坐了他的搖椅,或誤折了他的連翹樹枝,老約翰看見他們受罰時,也不再覺得開心了。

Keep your tali away from stoves , candles , litcigarettes , garbage disposals , automatic dishwasher doors , children , rocking chairs , and dogs . remember , god only gave you one tail - take good care of it 確保你的尾巴遠離火爐、蠟燭、點燃的香煙、垃圾處理器、自動洗碗機的門、小孩、搖椅和狗。記住!上帝賜給你一條尾巴你得好好愛惜它。

He was always complaining about people borrowing his tools , and sitting in his rocking chair to pass the time away in idle chatter , and tearing branches off his forsythia bush to use as whips for their horses 他總是抱怨人們借走他的工具,坐在他的搖椅里聊大天兒混時間,還從他的連翹樹叢里折樹枝做馬鞭。

In the days that followed , old john had a merry time watching his customers and neighbors get pounded by the hammer , rocked and bounced by the rocking chair , and thrashed by the bush 在接下來的日子里,老約翰很開心地看到他的顧客和鄰居們遭到錘子打,被搖椅搖晃,受樹枝痛打。

A rocking chair sold for $ 96 , 000 . rocking chairs were popular with the president to ease his severe back pain and were in all his homes 一把搖椅賣到了9 . 6萬美元。肯尼迪總統很喜歡搖椅,在他所有的住所里都可以見到這種椅子,因為躺在搖椅上有助于緩解他嚴重的背部疼痛。

Keep away all unstable supports such as stools or rocking chairs to which he could hold on to , risking to fall down 遠離所有不穩定支撐力的?俱,像是他能夠舉起的凳子或椅子以免他不穩受傷。

Parking a rocking chair in your favorite room , because rocking has a soothing effect on our bodies 在你最喜歡的房間放把搖椅。因為搖晃對我們的身體有一種鎮靜作用。

Fear and worry is kind of like a rocking chair : it keeps you going , but you don ' t get anywhere 擔憂和恐懼就象一把搖椅:它讓你擺動,但卻去不了任何地方。

She would sit in her little rocking chair to suck her finger in the most unexpected corner 在很多不引人注意的角落里,她坐在她的小搖椅上吮吸手指。

She would sit in her little rocking chair to suck her finger in the most unexpected corner 她寧愿在最出人意料的角落里,坐在她的小搖椅上吮吸手指。

Probably on front porch in their rocking chairs 可能坐在前院走廊搖椅上

The blind liberace , leaving those rocking chair roots behind 盲人黎伯拉奇拋棄了他的搖椅

He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair 他坐在搖椅里前后搖晃著。

For tonight is talent night at the rocking chair 因為今晚是搖椅的天才之夜

Probably on the front porch in their rocking chairs 也許正坐在門廊的搖椅上閑聊呢。

You sit in a rocking chair and can ' t get it going 坐在搖椅里,卻怎么也搖不起來。